
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Long time, no write!

Been kind of off the grid for a couple years. Oh, let's just face it. I totally forgot I had this blog. I had other things on my mind. Like my stressful job. What a joke that is? But after researching, and talking it over with my husband I have decided to retire, my last day being October 31, 2013. I am so happy about that. It is none to soon either, because the University is experiencing haavy cutbacks and I know I would have been one of them. My boss never liked me and this would have been a chance for him to get rid of me. Though he was nice enough to ask me if I was retiring so that he didn' t waste the severance pay they would have had to pay me.

Other than that, it's been an okay couple years. My little boy has convocated and is moving out at the end of July. I know I'm going to miss him, but it will be nice to have a house to ourselves. We can do our wash when we want. Exercise when we want. Even make a smoothie in the morning. He works late and sleeps in so making a smoothie in our little magic bullet is a little noisy. Not that it matters to him when he wants one. Oh where has the time gone. Wasn't he just a baby, when he needed me?

Well, that's it for today. I will post more. I'm sure my life isn't totally boring.

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